Which email policy applies?

Which email policy applies?

In order to protect our email servers, it is necessary that we have a number of restrictions. Many companies and individuals rely on our email servers for their email. Failure to do so by our email servers will have serious consequences for many. This is something we take very seriously, we even have zero tolerance when it comes to abuse of our servers.

What we need to protect ourselves above all is that our servers "get a bad reputation". If they get it, other email servers will not receive email from our servers. Major vendors like Microsoft, Google are very sensitive to abuse. If they find that any email server sends out a lot of junk, they block the server directly. It would, for example,. means that all our customers are blocked from sending mail to those who have email with Office365, ie lots of companies. For us, this is completely unacceptable and therefore we have the following limitations, and also zero tolerance if these are not followed.

Our services are not intended for large e-mail messages, for example for newsletters and marketing. For this we recommend services that are intended for just that. To send newsletters and / or large amounts of e-mail read our article How-does-I-newsletter-What-ar-Sendy.


Send email

By default, you cannot send as much email as possible. How much can be sent and how this is limited is different for different services.

If you need to send larger amounts of e-mail, you can sign an additional service.

Email services with ISPConfig / Simple control panel

For our web hosting plans Web Motel and the email services Simple E-mail the following restrictions apply to sending email.

We have a restriction that it is possible to send a maximum of 10 emails per minute (600 / hour), letters in addition to this end up in a backlog and will be sent the next hour. The back log can contain a maximum of 5000 letters.

Some examples:

  1. You send 10 messages: All messages are sent at once.
  2. You send 100 messages: 10 are sent immediately, the other 90 are sent within 9 minutes.
  3. You send 1200 messages: All are sent within 2 hours.
  4. You send 6000 messages: 500 are sent within 8 hours, 1000 messages are not sent at all.

If you need to send 6000 messages, first send 5000 and wait at least 2 hours before the next 1000 is sent.

These restrictions apply by email account.

If you send e-mails to recipients who do not exist, then you will be blocked for a period of time to send e-mails. Do you send eg. 100 messages and 20 of them bounce back because they don't exist, then you are blocked for sending emails. Therefore, make sure that you have validated your mailing lists.

If you send e-mails that the recipient considers undesirable, then you will be blocked from sending e-mails.


Email services with cPanel

For web hosting with cPanel and E-Post cPanel the following restrictions apply to sending email.

We have a restriction on sending 500 emails per hour. More messages will be queued up and sent the next hour, and so on. However, a maximum of 5000 messages. This is a limitation partly to ensure that our email servers do not become overloaded, but the purpose is also to give us time to validate the mailing, to see if they are legitimate, or to eg. see if an account has been hacked and used to send out spam.

Some examples:

  1. You send 50 messages: All messages are sent on one-time.
  2. You send 750 messages: 500 messages are sent immediately, 250 messages are sent after one hour.
  3. You send 1100 messages: 500 messages are sent immediately, 500 messages are sent after one hour, 100 messages are sent after 2 hours.
  4. You send 5500 messages: 5000 messages are sent for 10 hours, the last 500 messages are not sent at all.

After 5000 messages have been sent (after 10 hours), an additional 5000 messages can be sent and so on.

These restrictions apply to your entire account, ie all email accounts under a domain. Any mailing lists you have are also included in these restrictions.

If you send e-mails to recipients who do not exist, then you will be blocked for a period of time to send e-mails. Do you send eg. 100 messages and 20 of them bounce back because they don't exist, then you are blocked for sending emails. Therefore, make sure that you have validated your mailing lists.

If you send e-mails that the recipient considers undesirable, then you will be blocked from sending e-mails.

Email services with DirectAdmin

For web hosting with DirectAdmin the following restrictions apply to sending email.

All email accounts together can send a maximum of 1000 letters per day. Letters in excess of 1000 will not be sent, they will bounce back to the sender, nor will they be queued up for later delivery.

If any email account sends 1000 letters, then it will affect all email accounts, none of them will be able to send email. To prevent this from happening, it is possible to set individual limits for each email account. E.g. set individual limit of 250. This way, an individual email account will not be able to knock out all other accounts.

If you need to send larger amounts of e-mail than this, you can sign an additional service from us. See How-does-I-newsletter-What-ar-Sendy.

If you send e-mails that the recipient considers undesirable, then you will be blocked from sending e-mails.

E-mail services included with domain name registration

For services included with domain name registration the following restrictions apply to sending email.

All email accounts together can send a maximum of 1000 letters per day. Letters in excess of 1000 will not be sent, they will bounce back to the sender, nor will they be queued up for later delivery.

If any email account sends 1000 letters, then it will affect all email accounts, none of them will be able to send email.

If you send e-mails that the recipient considers undesirable, then you will be blocked from sending e-mails.


Control of what is sent

All emails sent from our email servers are checked for spam. They are checked in the same way as incoming emails. If they are considered spam, they cannot be sent, your email client will receive an error message.

Another type of email from our email servers is email forwarding.

Assume that you have the bar.com domain and it has its email through us. You set up email forwarding to foo@bar.com to be forwarded to foo.bar@gmail.com. In practice, this means that our server sends Gmail emails when it receives a letter sent to. foo@bar.com If this is spam, then Gmail feels that we are sending spam and they will block the server. Therefore, we are even more rigorous with the control of outgoing mail caused by forwarding. The bar for these to be categorized as spam is quite low. Therefore, there is a risk that legitimate letters will not reach you and you will not be notified about it either. Forwarding is generally a bad idea and we strongly recommend other solutions.

We reserve the right to remove forwarding that creates complaints and / or problems.



If someone tries to log in to your email account, or send email with your email account, with the wrong password a number of times, then the IP address that made the attempts will be blocked for a period of time. If this is repeated several times, the IP address is permanently blocked.

This can happen if you enter the wrong password in your email client. If you have done so, it can go fast because email clients frequently check the email server for new email.


E-mail lists

Sending commercial advertising by email is not allowed and results in the account being suspended or terminated. When using email lists, e.g. newsletter, should be used (double) opt-in, see SpamHaus Marketing FAQs, for more information on how to set up a mailing list correctly.

Important to keep in mind:

  1. Keep track of your mailing lists. Maintain these so that there are only valid email addresses.
  2. Really make sure the recipients want to get your letters. This is something you need to actively work on.
  3. That in the letters you send out there is a very simple way to renounce these letters in the future. Clicking on a link should suffice.


Spam protection

Vi använder oss av välrenommerade blocklistor, Spamhaus och Barracuda, för att avvisa e-post direkt när de kommer till vår e-postserver. Dessa skickade brev kommer aldrig fram till mottagaren. 

Efter blocklistorna använder vi oss av Spamassassin  alternativt rspamd för att analysera brevens innehåll och utifrån detta avgöra om brevet är spam eller malware. Vissa mycket höga nivåer kommer att avvisas medan lägre nivåer skickas vidare till mottagaren. Mottagaren kan i de flesta fallen själv via sin kontrollpanel sätta ytterligare gränser för vilka mail man vill få och vilka som skall raderas, alternativt läggas i spamkorgen.

If you want to be absolutely sure that all e-mails arrive at you, regardless of its categorization, then offer enhanced e-mail protection as an additional service that offers this, with some exceptions. All emails that are included on block lists at Spamhaus and Barracuda are still blocked. Malware that we ourselves empirically identified as Malware is also blocked (e.g. Postnord malware). Otherwise, all emails will arrive to you. E-mail that is categorized as probable malware / junk ends up in a quarantine where you can download these if you wish.


Forwarding of email

In general, we advise against email forwarding.

Forwarding to @yahoo addresses is not allowed. These are removed automatically.

Forwarding to @gmail, @hotmail, @live, @outlook is allowed unless otherwise stated above, but we monitor these forwarding carefully. Domains forwarding to any of these will have their email sent from a special email server intended for this. All emails from the domain will be sent through this server. There is a risk that Google / Microsoft will not accept email from this server from time to time. If the forwarding is removed, emails will be sent from regular email servers automatically. Note that there are usually better solutions than forwarding e-mails if you want to consolidate your e-mail with eg. gmail. Read more about this in these FAQ articles.

Forwarding to other recipients is permitted unless otherwise stated above.

Receiver domains that repeatedly reject forwarded email will be blocked from forwarding.

Access to email services

From some countries it is not possible to use IMAP, POP and SMTP (ports 993,143,110,995,465,587). It means that from these countries webmail must be used to read and send email. Email clients cannot be used on phones and computers, only webmail works.

Currently, the following countries are blocked from using these services:

  • China
  • Pakistan
  • Vietnam
  • Bulgaria
  • Romanian
  • Iran
  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • Belarus

This list may change from time to time.

If this is a problem, VPN can solve it. We recommend Swedish OVPN and Mole.


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Grymt Koncept! Vårt Premium webbhotellkonto är något utöver det vanliga. Ni får en helt egen server för er själv. Ni konkurrerar inte med någon annan om CPU och minne, allt är ert! Och detta till ett pris som motsvarar ett vanligt webbhotell.

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Lättanvänd och kraftfull

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