
 Does the API support IDN domains?

The API requires 7bit ACE encoded domain names. The WHMCS module accepts IDN names, such as...

 I want to add my own functions to the whmcs module RegistreraDoman, is that possible?

Yes it is. The module is provided unencoded, feel free to modify it to your liking.

 What functions are available in the whmcs module?

function RegistreraDoman_RegisterDomain($params)function...

 Is there any function to check Domain Availability?

Yes there is. With the command RegistreraDoman_DAS() you can find .se and .nu domains that are...

 What should I put in additionaldomainfieldsphp file?

<?php ## .SE DOMAIN REQUIREMENTS ## $additionaldomainfields[".se"] = array();...

 RegistreraDoman Registrar Module

Important The module does only support whmcs 7.x. The source code of the module is provided...